Wednesday, July 22, 2015



A “back to top” button can be really helpful for your readers, especially if you have a lot of posts appearing on your homepage and no sticky navigation. This post will show you how to add one that will only appear when the user begins to scroll down your blog. An example can be seen on my personal blog here.

1.1. Go to Layout > Add gadget > Add HTML/Javascript Gadget and paste the following into the content section

Back to Top

1.2. Now go to Template > Edit HTML and find ]]skin. Once you have found it paste the following above it

.backtotop {
position: fixed;
bottom: 10px; /* increase value to move position up */
right: 0px; /* increase value to move position left */
color: #000000; /* color of text */
background-color: #ffffff; /* background color of button */
font-size: 12px; /* changes size of text */
padding: 10px; /* add space around the text */
text-transform: uppercase; /* change text to all caps */
letter-spacing: 1.0px; /* space between letters */

.backtotop:hover {
background-color: #333333; /* color of background on hover over */
color: #ffffff; /* color of text on hover over */
text-decoration: none; /* no underline */

1.3. Change what is shown in pink to suit your blog. The /* ... */ are comments to help you identify the code. You can leave them in, they won’t appear on your blog.


2.1. Go to Layout > Add gadget > Add HTML/Javascript Gadget and paste the following into the content section

Back To Top

and add the URL of the image, make sure it’s the image URL and not the page URL!

2.2. Now go to Template > Edit HTML and find ]]skin Once you have found it paste the following above it

.backtotop {
position: fixed;
bottom: 10px; /* increase value to move position up */
right: 0px; /* increase value to move position left */
color: #000000; /* color of text */
background-color: #ffffff; /* background color of button */
font-size: 12px; /* changes size of text */
padding: 10px; /* add space around the text */
text-transform: uppercase; /* change text to all caps */
letter-spacing: 1.0px; /* space between letters */

.backtotop:hover {
background-color: #333333; /* color of background on hover over */
color: #ffffff; /* color of text on hover over */
text-decoration: none; /* no underline */
bottom: 10px; /* increase value to move position up */
right: 0px; /* increase value to move position left */
padding: 10px; /* add space around the text */

2.3. Change what is shown in pink to suit your blog. The /* ... */ are comments to help you identify the code. You can leave them in, they won’t appear on your blog.

How to fix Error 0xc004d307 to maximize allowed re-arms

How to fix Error 0xc004d307 to maximize allowed re-arms “Error 0xc004d307 : The maximum allowed number of rearms has been exceeded”. We can fix it very easily. You get this error, when you try “SLMGR -REARM” command for more than three times. You must know that, by using this command you can convert trial version windows 7 to full version. To know complete procedure for making your not genuine Windows to genuine you must read How to remove Windows not genuine error. While converting your not genuine windows to genuine, you may get Error 0xc004d307. You get this error because you have used the command for more than three times. After using command SLMGR -REARM for three times, “SkipRearm” registry key will become “0”.You need to change the “SkipRearm” registry key to “1”. You can find “SkipRearm” by going in to following location from “Registry editor”. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/SoftwareProtectionPlatform Follow below step by step procedure to go into above place. Press “Windows + R” you will see Run dialog. Or Go to Start, click Run. Type “Regedit”. Click Ok. You will see Registry editor window. Click on Arrow mark which is left to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”. Click on arrow mark which is left to “SOFTWARE”. Click on arrow mark which is left to “Microsoft”. Click on arrow mark which is left to “Windows NT”. Click on arrow mark which is left to “CurrentVersion”. Now click on the word “SoftwareProtectionPlatform” not on arrow mark. Right click on “SkipRearm” in the right window. Click on “Modify”. Change “Value Data” to “1”. Restart PC. Now you can try the command SLMGR -REARM. or SLMGR /REARM.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

how to Disable Auto Activation feature in Windows 7 / 8

how to Disable Auto Activation feature in Windows 7 / 8 This article will tell you how disable the Auto-activation feature in Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. If you do not wish to have the auto-activation wizard bother you, you may choose to disable automatic activation. To do so in Windows 7 and Windows 8, open regedit and navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion \SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Activation
In the right pane of the registry editor, you will find REG_DWORD value ‘Manual’. Right-click on it and select Modify. In the Value Data window which appears, change the DWORD value to 1. The default is 0 which means auto-activation is enabled. Changing the value to 1 will disable auto-activation. Close the Registry Editor and restart your system. You will find that the Auto activation feature has now been disabled completely. In Windows Vista however, the relevant key is: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL\Activation Change the value of Manual to 1 to disable auto-activation in Windows Vista. Remember to create a system restore point first!